


How Long Should a Shower Enclosure Last?

How Long Should a Shower Enclosure Last?A high-quality glass shower enclosure should probably last about 20 to 30 years if properly maintained, but there are many nuanced details that can affect this general lifespan. For instance, frameless glass shower doors tend to last longer than framed doors because the metal frames are usually the first areas to start showing signs of wear and tear. The metal often begins pitting, corroding, or collecting mineral deposits, which can significantly detract from the appearance of the whole shower enclosure. However, metal frames that have powder coatings tend to last longer than those made of aluminum or other lower-quality metals.

Another aspect that can contribute to the lifespan of a glass shower enclosure is whether it has sliding doors or hinged doors. Sliding doors glide along a metal track which provides a trough that bathwater can easily get trapped inside. While this is not a big issue from day to day, over time, if water sits in this trough, it can begin to corrode the metal. Not only will this detract from the appearance of the metal, but having corrosion along the track could affect the doors’ ability to slide smoothly. For this reason, hinged doors are often preferable to sliding doors, and—similar to the frames—metal hinges that have powder coatings tend to last longer than those that don’t.

Turn to Kennesaw Glass & Mirror

If you’re looking to have a glass shower enclosure installed at your home in Atlanta, Georgia, or a nearby area, turn to the experts at Kennesaw Glass & Mirror. We’ve provided top-tier glazing services to homeowners and business owners since 1987, ranging from glass table top replacements and custom mirror to insulated glass inserts and more. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation!